A Foot to Stand On

What Is Cavus Foot And How Can You Get Relief?

Your foot's arch can be a source of great pain if you have a problem. Even if you only have a minor issue with one or both of them, you could have trouble walking. One problem many people have is an unusually high arch, also known as cavus foot. On the surface, cavus foot doesn't appear to be any different from a normal arch. But, it can make life more difficult. Read on to learn more about cavus foot, its symptoms, and how a foot and ankle specialist can help you get relief.

What Is Cavus Foot?

Cavus foot is a condition where the foot's arch is higher than normal. The arch is the area between your heel and the ball of the foot. It plays a major role in stability while walking. Good arches allow you to remain stable as you walk over varying surfaces. When your arches are out of the normal range, you will experience pain and have trouble walking at times.

Why Does One Get Cavus Foot?

A small number of people have a genetic predisposition to high arches. However, many people get cavus foot later in life. People with muscle or nerve issues may develop high arches. You are more likely to get cavus foot if you have muscular dystrophy or spina bifida, for example. Stroke survivors sometimes develop cavus foot.

How Can One Tell if They Have Cavus Foot?

If you think you have cavus foot, check your footprints as you walk. People with this condition often only show the heel and ball in their prints. You will see no sign of the lateral arch in the print like you would with most people.

You may also develop calluses on the ball and the heel. Hammertoes and claw toes are also common symptoms. You may have difficulty finding shoes that don't hurt. However, only a doctor can make an official diagnosis.

How Can One Get Relief From Cavus Foot?

Treatment for cavus foot depends on its cause and severity. If you only have a mild case and your foot is fairly flexible, you may benefit from custom orthotics. You can also try using ice and pain relievers if the pain is only chronic and not severe. If you have problems with ankle stability, you may benefit from braces. Surgery is usually reserved for people whom no other treatments can help.

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent cavus foot. However, when you work with a foot and ankle specialist, you can find ways to relieve the pain. Not all cavus foot cases need surgery. If you have chronic issues with your foot, contact a foot and ankle specialist.
