A Foot to Stand On

Why Are Some Runners Prone To Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is a condition in which the band of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot becomes sore and inflamed. It can occur in anyone who spends time on their feet or participates in sports, but it's quite common in runners. Why do some runners seem prone to plantar fasciitis, while others never suffer from this condition? Here are a few of the primary factors involved.

1. Some runners land heavily on their heels.

Some runners land more heavily on their heels than others, which puts extra strain on the plantar fascia. If these runners want to fully recover from plantar fasciitis and not suffer a relapse, they may need to spend some time working on their form and practicing landing on their midfoot, rather than on their heel. Exercises like high knees, along with running in front of a mirror, can help improve form and thwart heel-striking. 

2. Some runners are not wearing the right shoes.

Running shoes are highly personal. The shoes that work really well for a friend of yours may not work for you at all. If you tend to roll your ankles in as you run, a movement known as pronation, you need shoes with more stability towards the inside. If you tend to roll your ankles out as you run, which is known as supination, you need shoes with more support on the outside. Running in shoes that don't suit you can put more strain than usual on the plantar fascia, making plantar fasciitis unavoidable.

3. Some runners ramp up training too quickly.

There is a guideline in running that has been passed down through generations and that still rings true: you should add no more than 10% volume to your training per week. If you ramp up faster than this, then injuries are sure to creep in, plantar fasciitis being one of them. If you find yourself dealing with plantar fasciitis over and over again, take a look at your training over the past few months. Have you been adding volume too quickly? Try backing off on training and then increasing more slowly. Chances are, your symptoms will subside.

Do you suspect one of these three habits is contributing to your plantar fasciitis as a runner? Address the problem, and consider also consulting with a podiatrist. They can diagnose your condition and its severity and then recommend additional treatments to ease your pain.

For more information, contact a podiatry center like Advanced Foot Clinic.
